Too many things can go wrong down the road, meaning your dream castle could turn into a money pit
Real Home Inspections Niagara staff want homebuyers to know the spring real estate market in Niagara is hot.
Just take a look at the website Type “Niagara” into the search area, and click the “search map” button. This will give you a glimpse at homes for sale in Niagara’s 12 municipalities.
See all those blue dots? Those are homes for sale - condos, townhomes, detached, semi-detached, farm properties, businesses … they are all there. And if you are in the market for new property in Niagara, you’re likely familiar with them all. It’s like … a buffet of homes for sale!
The inspectors of RHI Niagara know that when you find the one, the dream home, your next castle - there’s a good possibility you won’t be the only contender to purchase it, due to the speed with which homes are now changing hands.
In a multiple-offer situation, don’t be tempted by the thought of reducing conditions to make your offer more attractive. If you elect to skip the home inspection, the seller benefits, and if there are difficulties that present themselves at a later date, you’ll have no legal recourse to get them fixed.
An inspection by an expert such as a Real Home Inspection Niagara inspector will provide you the opportunity to request extra repairs, or walk away from the deal before it closes.
Our worst fear is to see you get stuck in a money pit.
However, RHI experts know that sometimes, you will have to compromise on conditions affecting your offer to buy a new home. We suggest bumping up the timing of the inspection - say, from within five days, to within two days. Another way to compromise, of course, is to offer more cash, or leave out window coverings or appliances - but your very last option should be to delete the inspection clause.
If you are willing to spend the cash first, without presenting your offer, you can have your real estate agent request a pre-offer inspection. If there are multiple offers on the table, this likely won’t work for the seller, but if you happen to be the only buyer interested, this can save time later during the sale process.
Sometimes, a seller will offer a pre-sale home inspection report they have requested themselves. If this is the case, ask for permission for an RHI Niagara inspector to do a walk-through with you and the existing report, before finalizing your offer.
Purchasing a new home brings an inexplicable joy, a feeling you are now the king or queen of your very own castle.
Obtaining a pre-sale home inspection offers peace of mind that you and your subjects will be safe beneath your castle’s roof, for the duration of your reign - that is to say, your homeownership.
RHI Niagara inspectors want you to to be safe in your new castle! Book a Real Home Inspection Niagara service by visiting our website at, or by calling 905-401-7586. Our office serves the Niagara region and surrounding areas, and is open 24 hours, seven days per week.
Paul was professional and very patient with all our questions. We found the benefit of having a professional to be worth every penny and put our minds at ease.